Finally.....after multiple months of planning and anticipation we’re FINALLY about to take off on our BIG South Asia adventure to Ko Samui, Thailand and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. YES, we are doing it “Diddy Style”.
We are so blessed to have this opportunity to see the world through a different lens; we are highly favored. This will be me and Kema’s first international trip. We both wanted to take this opportunity, since we will be out of the country for the New Year; to say “we love you guys” and to thank you for being apart of our wonderful lives and contributing to the FABULOUS young ladies we are today. And since you all can’t come to ASIA we decided to bring you along neway……..we hope you enjoy the BIG adventure as much as we will….Lots of LUV….kisses!!!!
Let the adventure begin....DAY 1
Kema: The morning started off pretty darn funny!! Our flight was scheduled to depart LAX at 11am and we were at the airport by 7:40am LMAO...only to find out that our flight was delayed by 3 hours!! believe it or not its hasn't been bad we have been wearing our hates of optimism and having a blast!!!!!!!
Highlight of the Morning: The family that road in our shuttle bus to the airport was absolutely hilarious there was a 10 yr old kid who kept shoosing his grandparents pretty FREAKIN HILARIOUS and he kept giving Stef the sexy eye LMAO ......
What Nexts? !st coffee than Lucys (drinks/shots) :)
Stephanie:Alrighty...for all ya'll who really know me...to KNOW me is to LOVE me. Thank God for Kema who definitely balanced out my high strung temperament this morning. We got up bright and early at 6am only to get to the airport to find out our flight has been delayed. The first thing that went through my head was our connecting flight through Seoul, Korea (oh shit are we going to make it) and our flight to Ko Samui, Thailand (OMG! What will we do if we miss our flight) and more importantly all this damn money I've spent only for all my planning to go down the drain due to a DELAY?!? NEway, we've been sitting in the airport for 5hrs now, but the time-surprisingly-is flying by...at this point all i need is some Lucy's and a Ambien, cuz this chic is on OVERLOAD! Lots of LUV...I'll keep U posted. Dueces.
Day One Continues....Stephanie:Whew...just made to Seoul, Korea and i am so thankful for this break to walk around and stretch my legs; a 13hr flight is
NO joke. Although, the flight wasn't that bad...especially if you have more than a couple of Lucy's and a Ambien to get you through...HELL U can do a 20hr flight and be just fine. Oh, did I mention that flying international has it's perks: free
lucy's all day long, the food was pretty good traditional Koerean cuisine and the attendants were extremely accommodating. Shout out to Jhena "damn Gina" Raskin for being one the first to introduce me to Kreorean food (luv ya chic and u better be reading my blog). I'll keep you posted....later!!!
Kema Seoul Korea's airport is beautiful its like Disney World!! for shop aholic (Gucci, Burberry, Hermans and the list goes on...) so needless to say I am a happy camper ;) the flight really wasn't that bad although I think I may have a bit of a hang over from all of the lucy's LMAO, the actual airplane was beautiful, it's nothing like flying international!! The seats are like individual eggs very spacious...well gotta run time to board until next time!!
Stephanie:Made it in to Bangkok at 2am Dec 29th. Yes, we traveled into the future. We'll thats all for Day 1 and blogging. We are now headed out to enjoy the nightlife in Bangkok. We'll keep you posted...peace.