Well its now time for us to depart our utopia of vacation, and head back to the states! this has definitely been a TRUE ADVENTURE!! Stephanie and I have seen and experienced things that we could have never ever imagined, and most importantly we have further strengthened our sisterly bond!
Yesterday, we went on our last Animal Plant adventure we went to the Batu Cave which is a holy Indian Prayer Temple, it was filled with breath taking sculptures and architecture and MONKEYS (once again GIRL BYE are you F**king kidding me!!) the monkeys are untamed and possible rabies infested but Stephanie insisted on feeding them.....gotta love her....after our wild life adventures we went to the Central Market which consisted of millions and millions of vendors selling their native goods. We got some really cool stuff!!
We ended our night on such a high note, we went to Tiff's favorite Italian restaurant, it was awesome!! and Stephanie surprised us with a birthday cake and candles !!!!!!!
Well, more pictures to follow soon, back to the airport we go!!!!! I can't wait to get back to Dallas to get me some chocolatte ;)..... Peace.
Yep...it's so hard to say "Good-bye"....to piggy-back off of Kema; we had the most amazing, memorable and adventurous vacation. We truly did it ALL. For me, visiting my sister and her "wonderful" husband is at the very top of my list...we had a blast! It was everything I'd hope and much more...now i'm looking forward to visit her in Jakarta, Indonesia in 2011....I'm so very blessed to have her in my life; what a gift!
Right now, Kema and I are at a transit hotel in Seoul, Korea to get some rest and freshen up. We have a 7hr layover, then off to LAX; we should get home tomorrow morning around 8:30am.
This has been a vacation of a lifetime and it will never be forgotten and it DEF will be hard to top. I believe this will be our last post. However, stay tuned for the FINAL DRAFT with additional pics...we will send an email prompting you all to visit the page. Until the next adventure peeps..we hope you guys enjoyed it as much as we did........PEACE, two fingers, DEUCES!!!!!!
You are really blessed to have experienced such an adventure early in your lives. That leaves room for so many more!!!! Right?
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering what your sister and bro-in-law do? They apparently get transferred regularly to different countries. Is this something you'll be able to take advantage of...a new country every year or two?
Kema's cousin, Jane
Hello Jane,
ReplyDeleteThanks for following the blog. Kema and I had a blast. Yes, we are blessed and we can't wait for the next adventure in our lives...next stop Cabo for my 29th BDay.
My sister husband is an operations manager for DHL and I'm hoping that they will travel from city to city for the next decade! It would give me a reason to really travel...
What an amazing opportunity... not to mention the photos, which are phenomenon!
ReplyDeleteOnce again Kema, you got me cracking up, because I know how serious you are,especially regarding the monkeys! Stephanie and I would have a blast..I've got a bit of a "Dr. Doolittle" in myself..lol
Again, many "thanks" to the both of you for coming up with the ideal to blog your vacation. Just in case I don't get the opportunity to visit, I certainly appreciate you all taking me alone. It has been fantastic-- to say the least. How marvelous is modern day technology. Stephanie, that was mighty thoughtful of you to celebrate Kema's b-day while you all were there. Now, next year, when her B-day comes she will recall how you all were together there in celebration, and it will once again bring a big smile to her face. What awesome memories to have.
LOVE,to you both,
Auntie Carolyn